How to Make a Budget – and Stick to It!

A budget is a plan that indicates how you will spend your money. It forces you to track your income and expenditures, so you can make informed decisions about where to save and where to spend. Creating a budget may seem like a daunting task, but we promise it’s not as complicated as it seems. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of creating a budget that works for you.

Know Your Income Sources

The first step in creating a budget is understanding your income. This includes all the money coming into your household from any source, whether it be wages from your job, alimony payments, investments, etc. Once you have a clear understanding of your income, you can begin allocating funds towards different expenses.

Track Your Expenses

The next step is tracking your expenses. This means writing down everything you spend money on in a month, from rent or mortgage payments to groceries to entertainment. You may want to use a spreadsheet or budgeting software to make tracking expenses easier. Once you have tracked your spending for at least one month, you can begin categorizing your expenses.

Create Categories for Your Expenses

Categorizing expenses will help you determine where you can cut back on spending. Some common expense categories include:

  • Housing: rent/mortgage, property taxes, repairs/maintenance
  • Transportation: car payment/insurance, gas/public transportation costs
  • Food: groceries, dining out
  • Personal Care: haircuts, clothing
  • Debt Payments: credit card bills, student loans, personal loans
  • Utilities: electricity, water, trash removal, phone bill
  • Insurance: health insurance, renter’s/homeowner’s insurance, life insurance
  • Savings: retirement savings contributions, emergency fund contributions
  • Entertainment: movies, books, concerts

Set Spending Limits for Each Category

After you have determined which categories are most important to you and which ones you can cut back on, it’s time to set spending limits for each category. These limits should be based on your income and savings goals. For example, if saving for retirement is a priority for you, then you may want to set a higher limit for your retirement savings contributions than for other categories like entertainment. Once you have set spending limits for each category, do your best to stick to them!

If you find that sticking to your budget is difficult, there are a few things you can do to make it easier:

  • Set up automatic withdrawals from your paycheck or bank account into savings or investment accounts; this way you won’t be tempted to spend the money instead.
  • Put cash in envelopes labeled with different expense categories; when the cash in an envelope is gone you know not to spend any more money in that category until the next month.
  • Find creative ways to budget; look for free or low-cost ways for recreation and entertainment instead of automatically going for the most expensive option.

Budget a reward for yourself when you keep your budget

When creating a budget, it can be easy to focus on the sacrifices you have to make in order to save money. However, it is important to also think about rewarding yourself for sticking to your budget. While a small reward every now and then won’t significantly impact your financial goals, it can help keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to.

This reward can be as simple as getting a coffee from your favorite shop or treating yourself to a new item that fits within your budget. Just make sure that the rewards you choose align with your financial goals and aren’t causing you to overspend.

Additionally, consider setting larger rewards for achieving bigger milestones in your budgeting journey. By implementing both short-term and long-term rewards, you’ll have another tool in your financial toolbelt to help stay on track with reaching your monetary goals.

How to budget if you have ADHD

Living with ADHD can make it difficult to manage your finances, but creating a budget can help you stay on track. First, identify your essential expenses – things like rent, groceries, and utilities.

Next, list your non-essential expenses – such as entertainment or shopping. Then, prioritize and allocate funds for the essentials first before determining how much you can afford to spend on non-essentials. It may also be helpful to set aside additional money for unexpected expenses.

Additionally, consider automating bill payments and setting up automatic transfers into savings accounts to ensure that your finances are taken care of without requiring constant effort or attention from you. With some planning and organization, budgeting with ADHD can be manageable and even helpful in maintaining financial stability.

Budgets are important because they help ensure that we are making the most of our money and not overspending on unnecessary things. Following these steps will help you create a budget that works for you and hopefully make sticking to that budget easier. happy budgeting!

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, constantly stressed about your finances? It's time to take control and move your finances forward.